Friday, March 2, 2007

Wanting to be like Christ...

Always, but especially this Sunday. "A" is coming to see Jaden for the first time. Jaden will be just over 6 weeks. "A" is coming to the house at 2pm, staying for an hour. I haven't seen him since we signed the papers in September. It will be weird, to say the least. What I want? I want to be gracious, understanding, compassionate - not that I accept or condone his choices - but I want to be at peace, and I want to reflect the love of Christ in my actions, thoughts, and words...

It is no longer about "A" and I - his remarriage has killed all that - it is now about our son. And it has always been about the bigger picture - his soul...and hers. Because they have sinned, and are unrepentent - and I have sorrow in my heart for them because of that, because of what that will mean for them. Even though I am still angry and still striving towards forgiveness.

Please keep me and that day and time in your prayers...thank you...


At March 3, 2007 at 9:24 AM , Blogger Barbie said...

I love you Deb and admire your strength, or maybe not even so much your strength, because that is only human, but your reliance on Christ's strength. I know that is the only thing that can really see you through this.

At November 12, 2008 at 2:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.


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