Sunday, September 30, 2007

Busy busy busy!

yeah, that's my life right now! :) Crazy busy with work and being a mom and trying to get things done (the list never ends and is always GROWING because I just can't seem to keep up and get stuff done!!).

Jaden is doing well - poor baby has been fighting a cold - his buggers are now yellow to green so I think it is time for a trip to the drs. He hasn't had a fever, but has been a little miserable at times (which is big for him as he is so goodnatured) and is also in the midst of teething. He started clapping his hands and waving which is so very adorable! He is pulling himself up on stuff and crawls around like crazy!

I'm struggling with trying to do a good job with teaching without having to bring stuff home (don't have time for home stuff at home never mind work!) and so that has been stressful. I feel like I am constantly exhausted and am dreaming of the night when I get a 'real' night's sleep - like 8 or 9 hours straight!! Jaden was only up a couple times last night which was nice - with his cold and teething he has been up more lately and harder to get settled. Sometimes I just bring him to bed with me and he stays there most of the night.

I'm also struggling with finding time for doing devotional time (I know, you are probably saying I should be doing it now!). I'm playing hooky from church this morning as Jaden is sick and is sleeping (of course, church time (both services) falls right into his morning nap time, so when I do go, it messes up his day :( Maybe I need to find a noonish service somewhere? But I love the people at my church. I'm trying to help with the youth group, but can't always get there (1st service) to hang out with them.

I need to go do some laundry (neverending!) and cleaning (also neverending!). And of course, sounds like Jaden is waking up just as I think that...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

augustine was pretty wise

I've borrowed this from a friend's signature

"If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it's not the gospel you believe, but yourself." -Augustine

Oh, how this sounds like someone I have the misfortune to know!
Of course, I am probably guilty of this at times as well.

Jaden's father has decided that although he fathered Jaden, he has no desire to be his dad - that being his dad would 'rob' his new life of all it deserves - LOSER!!

Sorry, couldn't help that :)
is actually a much kinder word than I had in mind, but I am censoring myself :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Read this article today

and this, in particular, caught my eye:

"Sadly, many in our churches have sold the extraordinary gift of justification for the pottage of therapeutic religion. Rather than finding assurance in Christ, some assure themselves they have done nothing so bad as to deserve condemnation.
Even worse, others flaunt their freedom, abusing the truth that Jesus covers a multitude of sins. As Paul said of people who accused him of teaching that we should sin to bring more grace: "Their condemnation is deserved" (Rom. 3:8).
Such attitudes do not exemplify trust in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who treats holiness with deathly seriousness. They turn the old notions of merit on their heads, treating a priceless gift—Jesus' righteousness—as if it had no value.
The Bible says this type of faith—faith without good works—is as good as no faith at all. It's as dead and meaningless as the selling of indulgences."

I think about how aaron justified/ies his actions, how brian did his, even how I did mine - yuck.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

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So we are doing well -

I've been trying to get Jaden on somewhat of a schedule for when he has to start going to daycare - ugh, hate the thought of that, but no choice. Try not to let it bother me too much - just get pissed off when I do, start thinking about broken promises and all that junk.

Still, things are going fairly well. Jaden thinks it is quite funny to flip over on the changing table - there are times when I am tempted to just put him butt naked in his crib because I am constantly wrestling with him to get a diaper and clothes on! I've come up with all kinds of whacky noises to get his attention!

I've started running again - I do about 15 minutes - starting off slow and plan on building up - goal is to run the Halloween Hustle 5k with my sis & dad in the fall. Feeling pretty good, definitely missed that. Haven't done a lot of running with the jogging stroller yet - though I plan on utilizing it more and Jaden seems to enjoy it.

Jaden & I are enjoying summer - walks at Walden Pond, the park, trips to the beach and to see friends & family - I'm sort of dreading the end of summer! It will be good for me to get back to work (need the $$ and adult interaction is nice too!) but I will miss him horribly and hate that I will only see him for a few hours a day. He goes to bed between 5-6:30, I'll be picking him up at 3, so very little time together :( thank goodness for weekends and teacher holidays and breaks. I know we'll both adjust, and it will work out - just not ideal.

Jaden loves his food! He's eating rice and oatmeal cereals, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, pears and bananas - got the Earth's Best variety packs. Trying to get him more used to the bottle as he will need to be getting a few during the day when he goes to daycare. He takes it, but is not too excited about it. Don't blame him, I like nursing him better anyway - hope to continue to do that until he is at least a year.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I love my baby...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Jaden at the Beach

Hey, If you didn't get the kodak link, check out my myspace page for my slide show of Jaden at the beach - he is so incredibly adorable! I love being a mom - who needs a man? I've got the best little gift with me already :)