Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Jaden Jogger

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I bought this with some of the $ from selling my rings - I love it! And Jaden falls right to sleep :)


At March 20, 2007 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girly,
My gf got a jogger and she started first walking and then jogging and now she is up to marathons...all with her son in the jogging stroller, she has a FANTASTIC body as well. You can do it! Invest in a good cd player or ipod so that you can listen to books on cd or music and before you know it...your pants will be falling off your waist! It will happen, trust me, Ive been there. Its hard to look in the mirror and not recognize your body. But you will get it and better back over time. One thing that helps when jogging with a stroller is to attach a rope or dog leash to the handle so that you can push it ahead of of you every once in awhile (not a long length of course). But it does help. Ill be your cheerleader! annie

At March 20, 2007 at 5:15 PM , Blogger DebP said...

thanks annie :)
glad to hear about Ben!!


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