Sunday, March 18, 2007

"I wish you were a stranger, I could disengage"

( Over My Head, The Fray)

i don't know why this has to be so hard.

Some days i think i'm ok, days like today when i don't, i wonder if i really am on the other days or if i'm lying to myself.

i'm exhausted. Physically, mentally & emotionally. Surrounded by people, yet i feel so alone sometimes. Wondering when i'll get to a point when i don't think about him in some way or another.

i hate that he created this mess and yet has been 'rewarded', if you can call it that, with a new marriage. i think of what he has done, and all he has left behind, and know he isn't in a better place - but he also isn't alone.

i look at Jaden, think of friends and family, & tell myself I am so blessed.
i get angry at myself when I let the other junk get me down - am i so ungrateful?

But i am sad today, and can't seem to shake it off.

i know i should get ready & go to church, but i don't think i can today. It might be the best place for me at this moment, but the effort to get ready (showering, doing hair etc., getting Jaden ready - who, by the way, has something funky going on in the diaper area - can't tell if he is getting a rash, irritated from the disposable diaper stuff, or what, but he has not been happy with that & i feel so friggin' clueless sometimes & start feeling sorry for myself because i don't have a husband to help me - shit) is to much to do.

i'm still carrying an extra 15 lbs, hormone wackiness is screwing with me, and i need a haircut. i know - i'm only 8 weeks post - but i want to at least feel like i can conrol my body & what's happening to it.
i can hear You say 'give it time, look what you have in exchange - a lovely baby boy' and i know that is true.
i am so blessed.
So why am i having a pity party today?

"Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord."
Psalm 27:14

I know. I'm trying. I just wish it were easier.


At March 19, 2007 at 2:14 PM , Blogger Barbie said...

Oh Deb, there is nothing to say to make it all go away. Even, "take heart you are doing it, all of these feelings and emotions must be felt in order for you to come out stronger on the other side" may not bring you comfort. But don't let Satan decieve you and tell you that nothing you are doing is progressive or that the days you feel more "ok" and in control aren't real. That is just not true! Cling to Jesus on the days that everything seems so overwhelming... and wrap your arms around the good days, love them, laugh in them, all the while realizing that the good days are a gift from God, a moment in time. The good days never last forever...with or without divorce, but Jesus does. Cling to that.
Love you!

At March 27, 2007 at 7:44 PM , Blogger ttm said...

Okay, there's a lot in this post to respond to, and I can relate, but I only have a few minutes...

several of my friends swear by this stuff:

I wish I had known about it when my son could have used it!


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