Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I was driving in the car to Jaden's 2 month appointment yesterday, thinking, like I usually do, about all kinds of things. The car is a good place for thinking (don't worry, I still pay attention to the road! though I have missed an exit occasionally!!). I was thinking about 'a's visit - thinking about the past year - when I realized that I still love 'a'. Not the same kind of love. Not a husband/wife love, not a physically attracted love (that is long gone - something about him being with another totally turned me off on that), but a compassionate type of love. I care about him. I want him to do the right thing, whatever that is now, and I want him to repent, and more for his sake now than for me wanting him to admit his wrongs.

I had been praying that Jesus would help me love 'a' the way I should love everyone. I think that is starting to happen. It's not perfect - or close to it - I still have moments where there is anger and bad feelings towards him. But it's a start. It's better than what it was. I think about Yancey's words on Grace and Forgiveness, and feel like I'm taking steps in the right direction.

As I was thinking this, U2's "One" came on the radio. I don't pretend to know what they wrote the song about, but when I heard this:

One love, one blood, one life, you got to do what you should.
One life with each other: sisters, brothers.
One life, but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other, carry each other.
One, one.

It just made me think - 'a' and I are not the same - he doesn't have the same values, strengths, weaknesses that I do. His personality and character have been formed and changed by things in his life and by his own personal decisions (some of which were sinful). I can understand why he did what he did, though he should have chosen the better way. He's always been more of an emotional, feeling decision - maker. I've generally been more analytical and rational. That was part of what had made us a good couple, even at cpac they said we were a good balance for each other, and I think that was true. I made mistakes too. He was/is a control freak, and I became an enabler. In some ways, I suppose I contributed to what happened. Maybe I should have been more of a b*tch about things - he didn't have to work hard to make me happy. As an enabler, I didn't do him any favors. I'm not placing a ton of blame on myself, but I have to be aware of my part in the relationship failing. If not, I'll make the same mistakes if placed in a similar situation. Not that I'm saying I have to become a b*tch, but I do need to be more assertive in relationships, or maybe with someone else, it wouldn't be a problem, I don't know. 'A' was my first boyfriend, so I only have my relationship with him to base things off of.

We are no longer a couple, and so, I don't have the same responsibilities towards 'a' - but I can continue to pray for him, to 'carry' him, and her, to the Lord. They are still my brother & sister in Christ, though I think there walk is distorted. I'm sure mine is too - I don't suppose any of us have it exactly right. I do think they are more off base than many people I know - but that is something they will have to discover on their own. They won't listen to anyone.

As a sister in Christ, I'm called to sort of bridge the gap for them, in prayer, in the hopes that they will repent and get right with God. I think if they don't, mistakes will be repeated, the enemy will have his way again, and their marriage won't last. While they have sinned, I don't feel vindictive, and I don't want another marriage destroyed. I also believe they need to repent to be right with God - and if they don't...well, when the Bible talks about unrepentence, it's pretty serious. We all have sins that we probably aren't aware of, or don't confess - but this seems different. Maybe because it keeps leading to more sin (lying).

It isn't easy - and I wish I could say I was more consistent in how I feel. After Jaden's dr's appt., I wasn't feeling it as much because Jaden had bawled his poor little heart out after getting his shots, and I felt so sorry for him and was feeling pissed that he didn't have a 'real' dad. An everyday dad, you know? A dad who would be there for all that stuff, or be around later on to love him. Not that I want joint custody - that would be worse, I think. He needs consistency. Joint is too hard on kids - I see it with the kids I teach. Divorce just sucks. Even if I am blessed with a godly man to be my husband, Jaden will never have a 'normal' family. And while I know that over 1/2 the kids in America have divorced parents or are raised by a single mom, it doesn't mean that that is the way it should be.

When I think about that sort of thing, that brings up anger and makes it more difficult for me to focus on grace. But I am praying that that gets easier to do, that the rawness of all this goes away.

Well, this is all rather rambly. Hope it makes some sense.


At March 27, 2007 at 7:37 PM , Blogger ttm said...

Hang in there! It will get easier...

Oh, there will be times when you think you've forgiven and are thrown back to utter rage. Usually that's when you feel like you're Atlas trying to hold up the universe and stop it from crushing your precious little boy.

But there will come a time when you can actually see that God has made a sweet lemonade from all of the lemons. And drinking it will refresh you and bring you to your knees in gratitude at the lemonade stand.

You're in my prayers.

At March 28, 2007 at 3:07 PM , Blogger Barbie said...

I have to say, once again you amaze me that you are already at a place that you desire restoration for Aaron.. I know Tj and I sometimes don't feel that gracious towards him. I would like to stress what you touched on though. The opposite of being an enabler is not being a B**CH. But it is kind of funny that you think that, because that is exactly what Tj thinks as well. I am the more controlling one generally, and everything in our home is frequently determined by my mood or passions at the moment (I must say I have made some improvements in my life in the area's of self-control and selfish desires in the last almost 11 years of our marriage) but at times when Tj feels he needs to "draw the line" or whatever, he has to become this huge domineering JERK... and when we talk about it he says, I just don't want to be a doormat and I have to laugh and love him, because in his natural form, he is a giver, a lover... he loves to give love that is who he is, that is what I love about him.. and when he is trying to "not be a doormat" it doesn't fit him very well or come naturally,. we have spent many hours talking about this and even in counseling, and it is hard for him to find the happy medium of balancing his natural inclinations to give me whatever I want (and within his budget, which realistically isn't all that much :) and yet drawing boundaries. For him that is something he works on, drawing boundaries with me and his co-workers and people he ministers too. The problem with us is, for many of the things in our marriage and family, he really doesn't feel strongly one way or another and if I do, he trusts my judgement and goes with it, but when it is something he feels strongly about, He has to let that be known without him perceiving that he must be an ogre to get his way. I don't know why I'm rambling, or if this is even helpful... but I guess I'm saying, it is not a bad thing to be the personality you are, and in order to be safe in future relationships that does not mean you must become some awful, opinionated, B**CH and stand up for yourself. God wants to use who you are as he has created you, but like all of us, no matter what our "natural personalities" may be, we are all called to continue to strive allow ourselves to be molded and shaped and transformed into His likeness. Along with that will be your need to be wiser, more open while at the same time protective of yourself about the every day to day things in life. Ok I better quit before my ramblings become so confusing that my owrds aren't even real words anymore!

At April 7, 2007 at 9:33 PM , Blogger DebP said...

thanks ladies - just found these :)


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