Deb's Blog
Hi everyone. Thought this might be an easier way to keep in touch and share my thoughts - plus this allows you to choose whether or not you 'hear' about what all is going on...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
prayer request & update
Should have put this up earlier, I know, but if you could - I'll be at court tomorrow to present the agreement that aaron and i signed regarding Jaden - that I would have sole physical and legal custody, he would have biweekly visitation, etc. My lawyer thinks the court may not like me having sole legal custody, but I am praying that won't be an issue. I just want all this junk to be done with. Please just pray for the whole visitation thing in general, even if you see this after tomorrow, as I'd like it to continue to go smoothly. Thank you!
Jaden is doing well - he is adorable - he discovered his 'squealing voice' a week or so ago, and he loves to use it :) He also gave me my first baby kiss all on his own (he usually gives me baby kisses when I kiss him, but he has started to do them to me when I pick him up :) ) the other day, which is just so sweet! He is constantly flipping over from his back to his tummy, and has gotten quite good at grabbing things and pulling them to his mouth. He is awake and alert more now during the day, and is generally a very happy boy, though naps are sometimes rough (he's teething, poor baby!).
Things are also going very well with Brian - he's a great guy and the more time I spend with him, the more I realize...well, I don't want to bash aaron, so I'll just say that Brian is an amazing man and I am very thankful that God has brought him into my life.