Saturday, June 30, 2007

It should be so easy...

you know? When I say something, I mean it. I make a decision about something, and don't change my mind the next day. I choose to keep my word, to keep promises...I wish everyone was like that.

I've learned I make promises and commit too quickly in relationships. I don't do it halfway, if I decide I love someone, I give it my all - and I'm learning that's not a good thing. Because I expect the same in return, and don't protect my heart like I should. And then I get hurt.

Sometimes people want to give you their best, they want to have everything they say be true, but for whatever reason, they can't do it. And that sucks. Because it seems like it should be that easy. But, we live in a broken world, full of broken relationships - and sometimes the wounds from things in life hinder us and bind us. We have to heal from them - we have to choose to heal from them and make the effort to get help doing so - before we can move on. I wish helping someone, or yourself, was as easy as flipping a switch, but it isn't. It isn't that quick or easy, and while you can make changes to help yourself, you can't make changes in other people, you can't get them to where they need to be to make wise and healthy decisions. You can only pray for them.

I say 'only' but I should know better. Prayer is incredibly powerful, when it is allowed to be. Prayer is one of the very best things we can do for those we love, especially when we cannot be what we want to for them - either because we choose not to be or they choose not to let us, for whatever reason. Prayer is a way to act out love, and sometimes it is the only way available to do so.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


is doing all kinds of cool things :)
he can pass stuff from hand to hand
he grabs at things
loves to watch people talk & eat (tries to get the food!)
can push his little bum up in the air and draw his knees up under him
likes to watch babyfaith and baby einstein
is 'talking' up a storm
loves to grab mommy's hair (especially fun for him when it is wet :) )

we are still working on napping/sleeping - he doesn't like to take long naps - but has been going to bed between 6-7 at night, up around 5:30 - 6 in the morning

his hair is getting long enough to start to sweep off to the side - so cute!

Life is going fairly well, challenging at times and full of uncertainties, but I know I am blessed - I have a beautiful son and wonderful people in my life :)

Monday, June 18, 2007

never as easy as it should be...

life never is. and it's too bad. it would be nice, if just once, a fairytale ending happened, you know?