Sunday, April 1, 2007

a confession

I joined Figured it was an easy way to ease into the whole scene again - and its easy enough to hold off if I decide it is too soon. They have a pretty good evaluation system set up. I found many similarities between what the program said about my personality & character & what I came out of cpac with - not a surprise, but good to know I'm consistent anyway :)

So, we'll see what happens - there are over 20,000 users - I've been sent about 10 matches - I'm somewhat interested in a couple, so I did the first communication step (you send your choice of 5 out of 57 multiple choice questions for the other to answer).

I'm slightly freaked out by it, but I never was into the dating scene - always did make me feel a little freaked out. All that initial awkwardness, wondering what the other person thought. Though, I am a stronger, more self assured person now... so maybe it would feel different. With 'a' it was so easy, I felt comfortable immediately...but, maybe I'll find that true again with someone else.


At April 3, 2007 at 9:21 PM , Blogger Barbie said...

Deb, I'm scared to write this, but I hope you don't hate me for it. I just read this entry and actually felt my heart quiver in fear for you. You are in such a vulnerable place and I thought... wow this is so soon, and just the whole thought of online dating...scary and not in the "oooooo scary " sense but... instant gratification, not having to "be real" initially (and I'm thinking of the other person with you) scary and a whole other list of fears. BUt ok, I said my piece, I'm sorry, I love you, I value your friendship, and I'm just "being real"

At April 5, 2007 at 3:18 PM , Blogger DebP said...

I love you too Barbie :) and I appreciate you being real. I'm being very careful and very picky and very, very prayerful - friendship first, and then, we'll see. I'm being totally upfront & honest - with what I've been through & what I'm looking for - you can list it all on your intro page. So don't be scared for me - it really is ok, and if nothing else, I might form a good friendship or two :)


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