Friday, April 6, 2007

A Crystal Bowl

So, still reading through What's So Amazing About Grace (took a break and was reading through Yancey's book on Prayer) and found this:

"The Benedictines...after giving instruction from the Bible, the leaders ask each one attending to identify issues that require forgiveness. Worshipers then submerge their hands in a large crystal bown of water, "holding" the grievance in their cupped hands. As they pray for the grace to forgive, gradually their hands open to symbolically "release" the grievance. "Enacting a ceremony like this with one's body (says a participant) possesses more transforming power than merely uttering the words, 'I forgive'".

How amazing - I bet you could apply that to anything that you are having trouble letting go of - anger, pain, etc. I love the idea of this...


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