Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On my mind lately...

So, lately I've been thinking about things like social injustice, materialism, consumerism, community - all wrapped up around where I am at, where I want to be, where I should be...I get started thinking about all this stuff, and then life gets busy, I get all wrapped up in other things, and I forget about again until something reminds me. This time it was an article in Relevant (really, the whole mag gets me thinking about things) - 'Laying it down: learning to live with less in a culture of excess' that kicked it off.

It all just gets me thinking about how I don't live out the Christian life of simplicity, generousity and service that Christ calls me too. That I am selfish, unloving, and willing to forget about the fact that so many people have so much less than I do, that people around the world are dying from lack of clean water, medicine & food - while I'm off getting Starbucks' frappacino's & eating junk, yet telling myself I'm giving all that I can (moneywise). I just feel like such a hypocrite sometimes - and I'm not sure how to maintain this attitude of awareness or how to let it transform my life. I don't want to be satisfied with the mediocre level of christianity that I am at. I want to stretch myself, to live a simpler life, to do things that Christ wants me to do.

The article reminded me of why all this is so challenging - it is totally counter cultural - totally not what the 'American Dream' is all about. It is much easier to be 'me' focused. But I don't want to be that way - and I'm tired with the way I've been doing things - I'm just not really sure how to make this be a change of lasting reality.


At April 26, 2007 at 11:37 AM , Blogger Barbie said...

The first thing that comes to mind is to give more... just start that... find a need and GIVE. This is a topic that we constantly discuss here as well, and not only that but teaching our children that what they have is enough. Not to give into our culture which screams... never be satisfied... let your thirst for more be what drives you. And I have also seen some people who are honestly convicted by the HOly Spirit to do with less in their lives... but then another temptation... the one that sees the money that is not spent and convinces them to just HORDE it. And instead of living on less so that they can share with those who have less, they keep more for themselves, for that unpredictable future.
God is in our future, and His provision is NEVER unpredictable. Just not always the way we plan. So I say give.

At April 26, 2007 at 10:22 PM , Blogger DebP said...

Thanks Barbie :)


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